September 9, 2016
Thursday, September 15
PTO Meeting- 6:00pm
Monday, September 19
World Peace Gathering- 9:15am
Monday, October 3
Picture Day
Wednesday, October 5
Open House
In Case of Emergency
There are several families who have not yet turned in updated emergency forms (gold). It is essential that we know who to contact if there is an emergency or your child needs to be picked up from school.
Did you get a “robo-call” or text message from Ms. Lacey the week before school started? If not, please contact Kate to be added to the outreach list. We use this system to alert the school community of delays or cancellations due to weather, as well as other important notifications.
Beginning the Year
The year has gotten off to a spirited and happy start. Children are settling in and learning the routines of their classrooms. It is quite amazing to see how quickly the daily routines take shape, and students come to understand the expectations of a new grade and teacher. Nonetheless, it is quite normal for both kids and adults to experience both physical and mental fatigue during these first weeks as we all adjust to the demands of the school day, and we all benefit from an early bedtime!
Parents often tell us that they have a hard time getting their children to tell them what is going on in school. It also may be difficult to coax a child to disclose the full picture of a school task or situation that was difficult. I routinely receive parent ‘tips’ newsletters, which I post in the Parent Room. But the one I received most recently is included in this Friday Post, because I noticed that so much of it addresses concerns that parents mention to me or to teachers. I hope that you will find it helpful.
A Very Special Celebration
On Monday morning, September 19th, at 9:15, we invite everyone in the Leverett community to join us in a celebration of the World Day of Peace (formally designated as September 21st). Ms. Neal has been working on an art project for the day and there will be songs and poetry. While there will be some pre-planned elements of the program, we encourage guests to offer their own short, spontaneous contributions, about peace. But we certainly welcome those who prefer to listen, and we appreciate the contribution that they make through their presence with us. There will be more information about this in next week’s Post.
We hope you will be able to join us.
- Margot Lacey
Reminder about Snacks
Snacks should be provided from home. Please refer to the student handbook and back to school lunch letter. The cafeteria and nurse do not supply snacks; however, milk can be purchased for $0.50, and is not part of the Free and Reduced Program. As with the breakfast and lunch program, snack milk must be paid for in advance.
Notes From Nurse Karyn
Hello everyone and welcome back to school! I have had a great week meeting new students, families, and greeting returning students. As many families have read in the newspaper, EpiPens are an expensive yet lifesaving requirement for some of our students. I have several $0 co-pay cards available in the nurse’s office for families who are interested. If you are unable to come to the nurse’s office to retrieve a card please call me and I will gladly put one in your child’s backpack.
Attendance- As a reminder, please call Kate Rice or myself to report known absences or tardies. Part of the school health policy requires me to call the parents of absent students. To avoid this interruption in your day please call to inform us of planned medical appointments and planned absences.
Thank you and have a healthy year!
Karyn Briand RN, MSN 413-548-9144 (extension 3)
The Friday Post was sent home today with the youngest child in each family. If you would like more or fewer copies, please call Kate at 548-9144 or e-mail [email protected]. Also, if you would prefer to have the newsletter e-mailed to you instead of (or in addition to) a hard copy, please let us know.
(Items listed here are not school sponsored)
FREE Talk about Neurodevelopmental Movement
Wed, Sept 21 7-8:30p at Comfort Inn, Hadley
RSVP required. Space limited.
Emily Hodos, mom of Gabe Hodos-Rich (4th grade) and owner of Tendril Kinetics, invites you to learn about the benefits of neurodevelopmental movement for children and adults. During the talk, Emily will:
- provide a brief overview of neuromovement (i.e. the important role of movement and sensory experience for brain health and learning)
- specific ways it helps everyone
- a few activities to get people started
- ways it can be applied in a range of settings - school, home, sports, arts, therapies, etc..
- avenues where people can learn more
For more info and to RSVP, go to
Happy Valley Children’s Chorus
Tuesdays, 4:00-5:00 Ages 4-10 years old September 13th-Nov. 1st
Rehearsals held at the First Congregational Church of Amherst in the Hawley Room 65 Main Street, Amherst, MA
Performance on Sunday, Nov. 6th, 1:30 Cost: $80
Directed by Dorothy Cresswell
*The kids were amazing—-their enthusiasm was both beautiful and contagious.”
For more information contact: [email protected]
Piano Lessons with Daphne Bye, Montague Center. Start at age 5 or 6 with the Suzuki approach or at any later age for a comprehensive approach to reading and loving music. A few weekly spots still available. 413-834-0597 [email protected]
Kerry Young, mother of Ben Young(grade 6) and owner / operator of Sound Health Bodyworks, will be offering chair massage at the Amherst Block Party on Thursday September 15th, 5-9pm. Take a moment to breathe a little slower, sink into your body-mind center a little deeper. Everyone who gets a chair massage will get a discount coupon for a full session at the office! I will be near the Laughing Dog Cycle Shop. Please stop by and say hello, even if you don't have time to stay for a massage.