GCFA Hiring Policy





One of the most important processes in the administration of a school is the hiring of staff. Massachusetts General Law places the responsibility of the hiring of new school employees in the hands of the Building Principal, subject to approval by the Superintendent. Given the importance of community input for the hiring of staff members at the Leverett Elementary School, this policy sets out parameters to be followed in the hiring process that are inclusive of the input of staff as well as parents. 

A Screening Committee composed ordinarily of one School Committee member, two teachers, two parents and the Principal will be formed by the Principal for the purpose of assisting in the selection of all teachers. The responsibility of the Screening Committee will be to review applications, select applicants to be interviewed, and interview as many candidates as necessary to ensure, whenever possible, that three final candidates may be selected. 

The Principal will serve as Chairperson of the Screening Committee and will be authorized to select prospective candidates in order to assist in the decision about which candidates are to be interviewed by the Committee. The Committee will decide which candidates to interview, except that the Committee will interview any candidate recommended to it by the Principal. 

Selection of up to three final candidates for review/interview by the Superintendent will be the responsibility of the Screening Committee except that the Principal may select additional final candidates. Unless the position is shared with other Union #28 Schools, the Principal will be responsible for the appointment of a candidate, subject to approval by the Superintendent. The Superintendent of Schools will inform the School Committee about any appointment. 

It is understood that the hiring process be open until the Principal’s appointment is approved by the Superintendent of Schools. 

Revised 5/2/95 

MGL Ch.71, Sec. 59B 

First Reading: 02/06/12 

Second Reading, First Vote: 03/05/12 

Final Vote: 04/02/12