Internet Safety for Parents/Guardians
Resources for families:

Protecting Kids Online
 - "As a parent or guardian, you know what feels right for your family and how your kids learn best. To help your family navigate through new technologies, gadgets, and services in an ever-changing online world, it helps to get practical advice. That’s why we continuously talk to safety experts, parents, educators and communities around the world – to keep a pulse on what works. Together, we can help nurture a community of responsible digital citizens." Google Safety Center

Parenting, Media & Everything in Between (FTC) - “The FTC works to stop deceptive and unfair business practices and scams, and to help consumers like you recognize and recover from them.” -Federal Trade Commission 

Common Sense Media - “We believe in media that inspires and entertains families of all kinds. In technology that protects privacy and supports communities. In learning tools that prepare students and teachers for success in a connected world. Discover how we're working to make the digital world better for kids and families.” -