LES Grades 3-6 Annual Acceptable Use Policy

Download the Form LES Annual Acceptable Use Policy

Grade 3-6 students of the Leverett Elementary School will be given access to technology for educational purposes. All users must follow the established guidelines as stated in the Acceptable Use Policy - IJNDB in order to maintain the privilege of access to school technology and resources.

The following is a summary of the four guiding principles of the AUP:


  • Exercise proper online etiquette using appropriate language and graphics

  • Follow plagiarism, copyright, licensing rules and cite all sources

  • Carefully use equipment and follow directions for proper handling; report problems to an adult

  • All illegal activity and cyberbullying is prohibited


  • Keep passwords private and only use your assigned computer account

  • LES has the right to review all files and activity

  • Content filtering blocks access to certain sites and actions to avoid this protection is prohibited


  • Electronic communications promote educational excellence and reflect intellectual activities

  • Follow the general communications guidelines listed in the Acceptable Use Policy


  • Never share private information about yourself and others

  • Only access teacher-approved resources and websites

  • Report any inappropriate communications, material or behavior to a trusted adult


Acceptable Use Form

Students will be given an account on the network and access to the Internet only if a parent or legal guardian signs and returns this form. Access to electronic resources will remain in force for the duration of the student’s enrollment unless revoked due to violations of the Acceptable Use Policy.

Student Agreement:

My parent/guardian has discussed the technology rules with me and I agree to follow the rules.

Student Name (Print): ______________________________________

Student Name (Signature): __________________________________

Parent/Guardian Consent:

As the parent/guardian of this student, I have read and discussed with my child the Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that the computer facilities and the Internet are designed for educational purposes. I further understand that Leverett Elementary School has taken precautions to restrict access to inappropriate material and I will not hold them or their designees responsible for materials acquired on the network.  

⃞ Yes, I hereby give permission for my child to access the Internet and technology resources.

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Signature): __________________________________

Date: _______________________________