School Committee

SY 25-26


Dear Leverett students, caregivers, and community:


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Leverett Elementary School! We are delighted to welcome new and returning members to the Leverett Elementary community. The attached handbook contains important information about our school that we hope will help you and your family. 

The School Committee strives to help all children in our school develop the skills and personal attributes needed to become confident, compassionate citizens of the world. Our hope is that they will develop into lifelong learners who immerse themselves fully in our multiethnic, multicultural, pluralistic society. We are fully committed to ensuring that adults and children in our school not only treat one another with respect, but appreciate and celebrate different beliefs, learning styles, and points of view. 

To achieve this mission, the school committee develops policies to guide the committee and school staff for the administration and continuing improvement of educational programs. The school committee regularly evaluates the effectiveness of policies and their implementation. The school committee employs a superintendent jointly with the Erving Union #28 partner schools to implement its policies. The School Committee adopts a budget that will enable the school to carry out the committee’s policies. Finally, the school committee aims to keep the Leverett community informed about the school and to keep the committee and school staff informed about the needs and wishes of the public. Our representative to the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee ensures that Leverett’s needs are represented in decisions about the regional middle school and high school and that our community is informed about happenings at the regional level.

The School Committee welcomes your input and participation. You can learn about the policies that inform this handbook on the school’s website. You can attend our meetings and contribute to the public comment period. We meet on the first Monday of each month throughout the school year, at 6:00 p.m. Meeting information is posted on the town website. You can also email us with any questions, concerns, or ideas using the contact information below.   

One of the great aspects of LES is its wonderfully close and supportive community. Your input is valuable and your participation in our school is critical. There are many options for voluntary participation, including attending School Committee meetings, organizing events with the  Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), and raising funds with  the Leverett Education Foundation (LEF). We look forward to working together with you to ensure a vibrant elementary school community!


Jya Plavin Leverett School Committee Chair


Leverett School Committee

Jya Plavin, Chair 

Tilman Wolf, [email protected]
Marnie Genre, [email protected]
Rachael Ozereko,
[email protected]
Christine McDannald, [email protected]